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You are watching the /home V0.3 of Schricko©!

Schricko © - The first iterative product design portfolio.

Explore, define, prototype and test your design portfolio!

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Goran Babarogic Product UX Designer
Goran Babarogic Product UX Designer
Goran Babarogic Product UX Designer


Case studies

For companies

For designers

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Case studies

For companies

For designers

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Schricko ©

Design Portfolio

Design Thinking

Schricko© is the first iterative design portfolio.

It means that this portfolio website itself is a case study and you - at the moment - are part of the agile process.

Premium UX Template for Framer
Premium UX Template for Framer

Latest Updates

Schricko ©

Design Portfolio

Design Thinking

Schricko© is the first iterative design portfolio.

It means that this portfolio website itself is a case study and you - at the moment - are part of the agile process.

Read on medium

Premium UX Template for Framer

Interested in working together?

Interested in working together?

Let's have a call…but don't forget the coffee!

Let's have a call…but don't forget the coffee!

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© Schricko 2023





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